Season 2, Episode 5 (Show 57): Gary and Gorby – Special Guest Gary Hart
February 2, 2022
Part 2 of our conversation with former Senator and Presidential candidate Gary Hart takes us from Ukraine to McGovern to Justice Breyer, as this American for all seasons shares insights from a life of varied and distinguished public service.
We continue our mining of Gary Hart’s wisdom, as the former Senator, and Presidential candidate weighs in on the sort of questions a public and political intellectual confronts over a lifetime. How can we think about Ukraine and Russia in light of our past? Would tensions between the US and Russia today be particularly different if Gary Hart had won the presidency in 1988, given the story he tells about his prospective inauguration? The richness of a conversation with Gary Hart is such that even a passing reference produces a new insight on how the Cold War might have taken a different path. We hear inside references on what it’s like to run for President from a principal player in no fewer than 3 presidential races: 1974, 1984, and 1988. Inevitably, inside stories never before heard emerge, and they are here for you to savor.